New Networks Alert!

New Networks Alert ๐ŸŽ‰
We are very excited to be expanding our portfolio and working with new partners in 2022 – and are delighted to announce that our new network at Kings Chase Shopping Centre in Bristol has now gone live, with customers able to access free public WiFi services as they enjoy their journey through the precinct. We are also well underway with our network install at Borough Yards Stoney Street, and looking forward to our go-live date soon!
As restrictions are eased across the UK in the coming weeks, shoppers will be eager to return to physical retail environments and enjoy the latest offers, discounts and trends offered in-store. By offering free public WiFi within your precinct, retail park or town centre, you have the ability to gather important demographic data, plus illuminating behavioural insights such as dwell time, frequency of visits and preferred visiting times. A better understanding of your customers empowers you to influence consumer behaviour, and drive for increased sales, engagement and loyalty.
For more information on how free public WiFi can benefit your site, contact Inkspotwifi today!
๐Ÿ“ž 0131 556 4034
๐Ÿ“งย [email protected]